高清英文儿歌视频:Rosy,My posy
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高清英文儿歌视频:Rosy,My posy

2012-8-2 18:49| 发布者: 浅笑轻颦| 查看: 813| 评论: 0
摘要: Rosy, My posy Rosy, my posy. You're sleepy and dozy. Come sit upon Grandmother's knee. Songs I will sing you. Sweet sleep to bring you. Come cuddle up cozy with me. Rosy, my posy. You're sleep ...
Rosy, My posy
Rosy, my posy.
You're sleepy and dozy.
Come sit upon Grandmother's knee.
Songs I will sing you.
Sweet sleep to bring you.
Come cuddle up cozy with me.
Rosy, my posy.
You're sleepy and dozy.
Come sit upon Grandmother's knee.
To cuddle up cozy.
My sweet little Rosy.
And hush-a-bye baby with me.



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