闲闲乐乐 发表于 2014-12-5 00:44

Children of the Red King
01 Midnight for Charlie Bone (2002)
02 Charlie Bone and the Time Twister (2002)
03 Charlie Bone and the Invisible Boy (2004)
04 Charlie Bone and the Castle of Mirrors (2005)
05 Charlie Bone and the Hidden King (2006)
06 Charlie Bone and the Beast (2007)
07 Charlie Bone and the Shadow
08 Charlie Bone and the Red Knight

Audio Stream:
01    96.0Kbps,44.1KHz,Mp3
02    64.0Kbps,44.1KHz,Mp3
03    96.0Kbps,44.1KHz,Mp3
04    64.0Kbps,44.1KHz,Mp3
05    64.0Kbps,44.1KHz,Mp3
06    64.0Kbps,44.1KHz,Mp3
07    64.0Kbps,44.1KHz,Mp3
08    128.0Kbps,44.1KHz,Mp3

The stories are centered on Charlie Bone, a young boy and descendant of The Red King, who reluctantly possesses a
powerful endowment, along with many of his friends who he meets at a special school he attends called Bloor's Academy.
His family, the Yewbeams, have many dark secrets and Charlie Bone embarks on a series of mysterious adventures to find
out the truth about his past.

Children of the Red King is a popular series of children's fantasy and adventure novels written by British author
Jenny Nimmo. It is also known as the "Charlie Bone" series and, before it was extended to eight books, as the "Red
King Quintet".

Jenny Nimmo's Official Website
Children of the Red King - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jenny Nimmo - The Red King (Charlie Bone) (1-8) MP3音频+文档 章节书 儿童英文有声
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